In-company Training

for the New Era

In-company Training

for the New Era

The work world is changing at an ever-increasing pace. Today we offer you the opportunity to work together towards transforming your teams’ needs with practical, tailor-made learning experiences, designed to fit your goals, and where we also have a great time.

Are you ready to experience a new way of learning?

Iris and Romi

The work world is changing at an ever-increasing pace. Today we offer you the opportunity to work together towards transforming your teams’ needs with practical, tailor-made learning experiences, designed to fit your goals, and where we also have a great time.

Are you ready to experience a new way of learning?

Iris and Romi

Our proposals

Train your teams with the most effective Power Skills Programs. On-site, virtual or hybrid.


A customized journey towards personal development and transformation. One-on-one and group sessions.
Experimentation with actors
Experimentation with actors
A safe space to train skills in close-to-reality situations.
Thematic clinics
thematic clinics
Super-focused sessions on a special topic, to enhance learning.
30' capsules
30' capsules
Dynamic and collaborative conversations that inspire action in only 30'.
Content wall
content wall
A space to further explore the topics by means of multiple formats: podcasts, TED talks, articles and tailor-made resources.

We are a

great team!

In every experience we deliver our best. We blend our talents to make everyone feel better-equipped to work in this new era.

We are a

great team!

In every experience we deliver our best. We blend our talents to make everyone feel better-equipped to work in this new era.

Clap Method ®

Conversation and Co-creation Dynamics

Relevant Cases, Real Stories, and Examples tailored to your corporate reality

Joy, Enthusiasm and Trusting Atmosphere
Out-of-the-box, "State-of-the-Art" Content

Experience-based Dynamics, Creative Activities and Games

Analysis-focused and Action-oriented Tools
Challenging Questions
Quick Tips and Tricks Ready-to-be applied

Clap Method ®

Quick Tips and Tricks Ready-to-be applied
Conversation and Co-creation Dynamics
Relevant Cases, Real Stories, and Examples tailored to your corporate reality
Joy, Enthusiasm and Trusting Atmosphere
Out-of-the-box, "State-of-the-Art" Content
Experience-based Dynamics, Creative Activities and Games
Analysis-focused and Action-oriented Tools
Challenging Questions
+ 0
Years of experience
Hours of in-company training
+ 0

Our clients

The inspiration behind everything we do.


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I have a University Degree in Educational Sciences and I am passionate about designing learning strategies. I thrive on listening and connecting with people. I love games of all sorts, playing them and also inventing them. What I have brought to Clap is my background in non-formal education and my expertise as a creator of non-traditional learning programs for different organizations. Prior to that, I had the opportunity to apply it as a pedagogical advisor and trainer at Santillana Publishing House. I love my work, I really have lots of fun doing it, I feel passionate about it and it challenges me to keep on learning and growing.



I have a Degree in Communication Sciences and an MBA from the University of Buenos Aires. What I most enjoy doing at Clap is engaging with our clients’ needs, listening to people and coaching them in their quest towards innovative solutions. After working for 10 years at the University of San Andrés as Executive Programs Manager, I learned to have an in-depth insight into organizations, their transformation processes and also how to approach different industries and profiles. I am passionate about taking on team projects, building bonds of trust and creating new training solutions that empower people to leverage their learning on a day-to-day basis.



Soy Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación y me apasiona diseñar estrategias de aprendizaje. Me gusta escuchar y conectar con las personas. Me encantan los juegos de todos tipo, jugarlos e inventarlos también. He traido a Clap mi experiencia en educación no formal y mi recorrido como creadora de programas de enseñanza no tradicionales para distintas organizaciones. Y antes de hacerlo, he tenido la chance de aplicarlo como asesora pedagógica y formadora, en la editorial Santillana. Amo mi trabajo, me divierte, me apasiona y me desafía a seguir aprendiendo y creciendo.



Soy Lic. en cs de la educación y MBA de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Una de las cosas que más disfruto hacer en Clap es conectar con las necesidades de nuestros clientes, escuchar a las personas y acompañarlas en la búsqueda de soluciones innovadoras. Anteriormente trabajé 10 años en la Universidad de San Andrés como Gerente de Programas Ejecutivos y aprendí a mirar en profundidad a las organizaciones, sus procesos de cambio y a trabajar con industrias y perfiles distintos. Me entusiasma encarar proyectos en equipo, construir vínculos de confianza y crear nuevas soluciones de capacitación que ayuden a las personas a llevar sus aprendizajes al día a día.